Client: Personal work

Characters: Hina

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: Curly-haired boy and some secondary character

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: Mom, Daughter and Blue/Green character

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: Black and Orange cats

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: Grandpa and Allie (thumbnail girl)

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: Little Boy and his mom


Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: All characters

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: All the male characters

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: Lina (thumbnail), Lina's Grandma and their monsters

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: Ballet Girl and Daddy

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: Mommy and Daddy

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: Black cat

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: Witch

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: James' rig (character holding a bouquet of flowers)

Client: BlackBoard Studio

Characters: Tom and Nancy

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Little boy and the animals

Client: Miralumo

Characters: All the female character

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Skeleton grandpa

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Tony (the black guy)

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Bombsquad

Client: Miralumo

Characters: Meghan Trainor

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Children

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Starfish, Turtle, Puffer Fish and Jellyfish

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Skullking and Kelly (blonde girl)

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: All the cats

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Shark and Orange Fish

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Girl (thumbnail) and secundaries characters

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Jake and some secundaries characters

 Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Little girl (thumbnail)

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Mother and baby bear

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: little boy (thumbnail)

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters:  Yellow, Black, Orange, Purple and Red monsters

Client: Zombie Studios

Characters: Tiger, Rabbit, Roaster, Mice, Horse and Dog

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: Secundaries characters

Client: Consulado

Characters:  Ferret, Wolf, Rabbit, Foster, Reindeer and Whale

Client: Vetor Zero/Lobo

Characters: 1929 and 2018 Striding men